This time was different... this time was International... All the way to Ireland... I'd always wanted to go to Ireland... One of the things I have regretted from the time we lived in Germany when we were in our early twenties is the lack of traveling we did while were in Eurpoe. Granted we were on an enlisted salary with a newborn so I guess that is a pretty good excuse.. Anyway... back to this trip... This trip to Ireland.... I had several excuses running through my head.. Who would watch the dogs? Could I get the time off work? Who would "watch" Alex, our 18 year old who would soon be leaving for college? I'm afraid to fly.. The expense is high...and so on and so on... So I prayed over it and I found answers for my "excuses" and said YES.

We had enough frequent flier miles so my airfare was free. Bonus #1.. John had to have a hotel anyway for half of the nights so that was covered by work.. Bonus #2.
We arrived in Dublin on a Friday morning and quickly we were in our rental car on our way to Galway, the first stop of our trip. To say that John was a natural at not only driving on the other side of the road but also on the other side of the car and shifting with his left hand would be an understatement. You'd think he had been doing this all his life. He was Amazing. We did find out a MUST HAVE from the Hertz people was a portable wi-fi device about the size of a garage door opener which gave me wi-fi wherever and whenever I wanted while in Ireland for about $7 Euro a day... I would have paid much more but I would definitely recommend one!!
I could have spent several days in the quaint little town of Galway. Unfortunately, we were only able to stay for one but we made the most of it. Our hotel was darling albeit parking was a bit of trouble but once we parked we didn't move the car again as everything was within walking distance of our hotel. We walked in the rain and saw the most adorable shops, had some amazing food and just enjoyed being together.
Unbeknownst to us it was the weekend of the "Galway Races" which is an annual horserace event that made the little town even more lively. I can't wait to go back to Ireland again and spend even more time in my little adopted town of Galway. John bought me an actual Claddagh ring from an actual Claddagh shop in Galway. I will treasure it always. The next morning we awoke to clear blue skies and walked into town and over to the Salmon Weir Bridge. We did a really good job of mixing "must do's and must see's" with "whatever just comes up", and this bridge was just one of those things we happened upon.

Saturday afternoon took us to the lovely town of Limerick where we stayed in a modern hotel called The Absolute Hotel. It was lovely and quite different from the previous night at the Park House Hotel in Galway... That's one of the amazing things about Ireland is the many different lodging choices from new and modern to Bed & Breakfast to 100+ year old hotels.
After the rain stopped in Limerick we walked to King John's Castle. We very much enjoyed the self-paced tour of the castle. It was amazing to see how much the landscape had changed in the hundreds of years since the castle was built. There were many interactive displays with automated "people" to tell you all about the castle and it's history. Yup, that's me in soldier attire..
Sunday morning found us driving towards Cork with hunger in our tummies. We stopped by a local market and found the most amazing pastries and chocolate milk. Our first stop on the way to Cork was The Rock of Cashel. This was on our list of "must do's" and we're so glad we did. It sits in the middle of County Tipperary which I learned there is a famous song about only after John started singing it in the car. Wonderful memories. This castle was amazing and is noted to be among one of the "thin places" in the world. Which is described as this " Thin places are those places where the veil between the physical world and eternal world is thin. The two worlds intersect or seem woven together. It is a place where you seem to walk in two worlds."

It was a short drive from the castle to Cork. I would be remiss if I didn't speak about the beauty of Ireland. Just driving down the roads is an adventure in itself. There were many times where the side of our rental car brushed right up against the amazing greenery of shrubs and bushes. The manicured lawns of the adorable doll-like houses made me want to live there.

Monday morning found me at a St. Finn Barre's Cathedral BEFORE anyone else got there... The grounds were amazing and beautiful and peaceful and I could feel the history. I walked around for about an hour before they opened the cathedral so I could go inside. There was an amazing organist playing which only added to the beauty of the cathedral.
there to ring with different pages of "music" to
choose from. I played Amazing Grace and I'd like to think it actually sounded somewhat like the song. I then ascended to the top of the tower where you can see all of Cork. It was beautiful. I really loved this church because of their acceptance of ALL people. Not just toleration but true acceptance.
My next stop was to find Fitzgerald Park and Daly's Bridge aka The Shaky Bridge. On my way to the Shaky Bridge I happened upon a Cricket game which is very popular in Ireland. I watched for awhile before I made my way through the park and found my destination. After my bridge crossing I found a yummy little ice cream truck and decided to help the local economy. On my way back to the hotel I happened upon the grounds of The University College Cork grounds which were absolutely beautiful.
Up bright and early Tuesday morning found me at the local bus station where I purchased a round trip ticket to Blarney Castle. It was a picturesque thirty minute ride where I sat with other tourists from many countries. We walked up and paid our Euros and went inside. The grounds were amazing and so beautiful. After a brief walk I found myself in a line, for what, I was not exactly sure. Upon arrival at the castle grounds I had no intention of "kissing the Blarney". It was not on my bucket list. However, that all changed when after about 90 minutes of standing in line I found out that I was in line for the kissing of the Blarney Stone so as you can imagine that is exactly what I did.. I then toured some of the grounds and walked through the poisonous garden before catching the bus back into Cork.

My next stop was to find Fitzgerald Park and Daly's Bridge aka The Shaky Bridge. On my way to the Shaky Bridge I happened upon a Cricket game which is very popular in Ireland. I watched for awhile before I made my way through the park and found my destination. After my bridge crossing I found a yummy little ice cream truck and decided to help the local economy. On my way back to the hotel I happened upon the grounds of The University College Cork grounds which were absolutely beautiful.
Up bright and early Tuesday morning found me at the local bus station where I purchased a round trip ticket to Blarney Castle. It was a picturesque thirty minute ride where I sat with other tourists from many countries. We walked up and paid our Euros and went inside. The grounds were amazing and so beautiful. After a brief walk I found myself in a line, for what, I was not exactly sure. Upon arrival at the castle grounds I had no intention of "kissing the Blarney". It was not on my bucket list. However, that all changed when after about 90 minutes of standing in line I found out that I was in line for the kissing of the Blarney Stone so as you can imagine that is exactly what I did.. I then toured some of the grounds and walked through the poisonous garden before catching the bus back into Cork.

I did some more walking around Cork after Blarney and found my way to the English Market which was a big open air market filled with fish, fruits and most anything you would want. I found a wonderful little shop that made me a delicious hot ham and cheese melt with chips and a soda.
Tuesday night Johns' team, spouses and I went out to dinner at the Market. I tried Pimms for the first time which was a yummy drink in my own pitcher filled with fruit. The dinner and conversation were delightful. After dinner we all went to a little bar down the street knows as "The Oliver Plunkett" which we found out had amazing "trad" music which I quickly found out stood for traditional. There were also some dancers with mad Irish skills. That was a fun night!!
Wednesday found me with some very sore feet and a desire to spend some time closer to the hotel. I had booked a massage and facial so that was first on the list. It was very relaxing and gave me some energy to hit the town one more time. With no agenda in mind I just walked into town... I mailed some postcards to friends, family and even myself. Lunch was had at La Bagels and was quite good. I went into several Catholic Churches and put some coins in the prayer boxes (that was new to me) apparently we have those here in the states as well. I said prayers in St Augustines, Peter & Paul Church as well as one other. It was a relaxing prayerful day. John and I enjoyed one final dinner in Ireland before we were to begin our travels back to the states.
Up before dawn on Thursday and the beginning of a long trip back home. We were blessed enough to have been offered an eight hour layover in London by United and also business class from London to Washington DC. This is definitely the way to travel if you can swing it. We booked a private car from the airport to Windsor Castle and began leg two of our fantastic vacation. 

We had plenty of time to tour the castle, have lunch in Windsor, partake in "the best ice cream in Windsor" and play tourist for a few hours before heading back to the airport in plenty of time to sit in these amazing seats.
Next time husband says "Come?" I'll be more likely to say yes and think of all the reasons to go instead of the ones that would make me stay. We had an amazing time and made memories that will last a lifetime. Thanks to my amazing honey!